Carmelite Quotes, the insightful host of the Free the Bishops podcast, is a dedicated advocate for religious freedom and human rights, particularly in the context of the Nicaraguan crisis. In July 2018, she assumed the role of English translator on social media for Auxiliary Bishop Silvio Jose Baez, OCD, from the Managua Archdiocese, who is now in exile in the United States. A committed Discalced Carmelite and member of the Secular Order (OCDS), Carmelite Quotes volunteers as a translator for the Discalced Carmelites and has garnered global recognition, including publication on the Vatican website.

Carmelite Quotes is a prolific blogger and graphics creator at, where she shares her insights into Carmelite spirituality. With advanced degrees in music and theology from Indiana State University and Emory University, she brings a rich tapestry of experience, having transitioned from a United Methodist ordained minister to her current impactful role. Her dedication to Nicaraguan advocacy motivated her to revive her experience as a Sunday morning radio announcer and collaborate with co-host Rosary Mum in launching the Free the Bishops podcast at the end of 2023.

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